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Milking equipment

Milking settings: a key to effective business
A piece of high-quality milk equipment is an essential condition for successful livestock breeding since the automation of milking can significantly save labor costs, time, and money of owners. For the same reason, it is necessary to choose specific equipment with special attention, because it largely affects the health and comfort of animals.
To make the correct decision, it is important to establish in advance what specific criteria the optimal milking unit should meet for you: the price of equipment, its dimensions, technical capabilities, livestock capacity, and many other nuances for each model will be individual and will require additional study.
The direct layout of the milking unit may vary according to the specific parameters that each client requires. Our site offers specialized products from leading manufacturers and the most modern milking machines, which you can buy at a bargain price.
Milking equipment: affordable innovation in farming sphere
LLC “STANDARD MOLOKO” offers a wide range of the most advanced milking machine options that have proven themselves in the domestic market. You can get the following milking machines from us:
- vacuum
allow realizing the automated milk collection on small farms (a small number of animals). Such installations are characterized by optimized oil consumption, as well as the absence of the risk of oil pollution with dust and small debris. If milk is inadvertently poured out of the can, the pump cavity will be protected by the system from moisture, which can significantly increase the operational life of the equipment.
- linear
Devices of this type make it possible to carry out machine collection of milk at large farms. The equipment is equipped with special elements that control the volume of milk from each specialist. The inner surface of the steel pipes through which the manufactured products are transported is subjected to special treatment, which eliminates the risk of milk stone and fat.
- individual
The best solution for farmers practicing a tethered type of livestock. Such installations are suitable for small livestock (no more than 15 animals), while they differ in small size, extreme simplicity, convenience, and high-performance characteristics.
Individual milking equipment can be sub-divided into:
- Stationary. It is installed in rooms where the milking of cows is organized, and connected to a single-phase network. A prerequisite for the long-term operation of such equipment is a strictly enclosed space and maintaining an average temperature of over 5 degrees.
- Mobile. Also called the mobile diesel unit. And although the equipment is quite heavy, specially designed wheels allow you to transport it to the right place very quickly and without unnecessary efforts.
Depending on the individual requirements of the client, the scheme of the milking installation may differ in accordance with the necessary basic parameters.
We will help you choose the most suitable milking machines, which you can buy at the most attractive prices!