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Tanks and milk coolers

Tanks are manufactured of both: closed and open types..
Closed-type coolers have the highest thermal insulation and high tightness, while open-type chillers have an immersion coil-evaporator that can be easily removed and allows you to practically cool the milk in minutes.
Milk coolers — View catalog
Open Type Milk Coolers — View catalog
Closed Type Milk Coolers — View catalog
Milk thermos — View catalog
Long-term pasteurization bath — View catalog
Curd bath — View catalog
Milk Cooler Classification
With the use of modern milk coolers, it is possible to speed up the process as much as possible, while maintaining the invariance of the optimal natural balance of bacteria. Such equipment is usually divided into indoor and outdoor types.
To maintain the highest quality, raw materials must be cooled very quickly and in a timely manner. The fact is that the specific level of acidity, bacterial contamination, and direct density of the milk obtained to play a decisive role in the subsequent production of products.
To prevent the contamination of milk with dangerous microorganisms and bacteria that render raw materials unusable, one should not only observe established hygiene standards and norms but also use modern specialized equipment..
Innovational coolers
Stainless steel is used for the manufacture of equipment, while the device itself is a container with a panel evaporator providing the highest heat transfer.
Thermal insulation is represented by environmentally friendly, health-friendly polyurethane foam material. A panel evaporator with an attached condensing device allows you to cool the milk by evaporating freon.
As for the capacity of the equipment, there is a built-in mixer and an automatic washing system, which can be controlled by electromagnetic control. Specifically, a stainless steel line converts the results directly to liters according to the table, determining the milk level
Popular kinds of milk coolers
The most popular coolers are:
- Tanks (innovative devices)
The technique allows collecting milk, cool it very quickly, and store it in its original form for further processing and pasteurization. The tank from our company is characterized by maximum durability, efficiency, and quality.
- Tanks (devices for modern farms)
The tank also provides direct collection, cooling, and subsequent storage of milk, but it is used in conjunction with a refrigeration machine. In shape, it can be rectangular, cylindrical, or trough-shaped, in type - open or closed.
- Plate milk coolers
The device changes the temperature of the raw material due to its direct contact with the bottom wall of the evaporator. Such coolers consist of a rack, nodes, and plates, while the nodes on which the plates are mounted are fixed on the rack. Regarding the strut plates are one-sided.
Equipment cost
LLC “STANDARD MOLOKO” offers its customers to buy an individually suitable milk cooler, in the production of which innovative technologies and techniques were taken into account, at the most affordable prices on the market. Our equipment quickly pays for its value with high efficiency and quality.