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Stall equipment

Stable equipment: cleanness and safety of the livestock
Due to the professional stall livestock keeping equipment, that is fully compatible with the livestock requirements, all norms and standards are ensured. The use of such equipment greatly increases the hygiene performance of the barn, minimizing the risk of many diseases.
The equipment from our company meets all the physiological needs of animals and significantly increases the level of comfort. This content has beneficial effects on the reproductive characteristics, health, and productivity of the livestock.
The specialized design of the stall is aimed at provision sufficient space for each cow for rest and free movement, also it makes a beneficial effect on the level of livestock production.
Our cattle stall equipment has many advantages one of the main is compliance with European standards and the introduction of modern technologies in production processes. Using this equipment on your farm, you can make keeping animals more economical and convenient.
Basic types of stall equipment
The equipment differs in accordance with cow management methods:
- Fixed keeping
Allows creating for each animal the most comfortable individual conditions for feeding and care. Since at this content, most of the time the cow is in the stall, the increased requirements are imposed on its arrangement: food and water must be supplied in sufficient quantity and at the right time, the milk line must be fixed and the animal can be fixed.
- Unfixed keeping
This type of keeping, the individually equipped boxes for rest and milking parlors for animals are used, as well as commonplaces for feeding are provided. It is very important that the boxes and feeding places are properly equipped so that the cows can stay in the freest and comfortable conditions, without experiencing stress.
Reasons for choosing our equipment
- - the presence of stable reliable design construction, protected from aggressive external influences with long term of exploitation;
- - low risk of accidental injury to animals due to the round base of the equipment;
- - anti-corrosion coating that enhances the high performance;
- - easy at repair and maintenance due to detachable mounting nodes
Our company implements the reliable systems of stall sections, provides high quality, and convenience which is confirmed by the time of successful use. Universal technology is optimally suited for Russian livestock and can be successfully applied to both new and restored cowsheds.
The equipment set includes fasteners of a special design, with the help of which all the constituent elements (sections, gratings of the aft table, guards, transition gates) can be fixed without welding. Processing of equipment and components is carried out using the hot-dip galvanizing.
Peculiar features of tighty fixed equipment
This type of equipment is mainly used on dairy farms with a fixed type of livestock keeping. It is used along with the level auto-singing of animals and maintains keeping the groups of cattle in the stalls immediately in front of the feeders. Racks have fastenings for fixing a linear milk line.
Unlike the other popular counterparts, the automatic drinker APB-1 has many significant advantages, including:
- - absence of a valve mechanism with low operational reliability;
- - absence of moving parts made of plastic and rubber, quickly exposed to wear;
- - fully automated, does not require the participation of specialists;
- - differs in simple design;
- - fully complies with animal health and veterinary requirements;
- - has a high service life without repair, depending solely on the corrosion resistance of the main pipeline (30-50 years).
The equipment is functioning from a water supply system with various levels of pressure. The optimized design is not inferior in quality and efficiency to the best foreign analogs. The figures are given on the left offer options for placing drinking bowls on the main pipe
The watering system includes automatic drinkers and the main pipeline equipped with fittings and storage tanks.
Drinking systems with automatic drinkers APB-1
Specific water supply to the bowl, kg / s | 0,2 |
Diameter of the main pipeline, mm | 57-108 |
Tank capacity, dm3 | 40 |
Durability, years | 30 |
The water supply in the bowl, l | 5-7 |

- Carrier Rack;
- Leash;
- Overhead bar
- Water pipe;
- Drinking bowl;