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Light aeration lamp

Features of a light aeration lamp
It is equally important to remove the exhaust air, how to ensure the air flow. The amount of air leaving the barn should be equal to the amount entering the room. Effective ventilation allows you to continuously save the barn from microbes, ammonia, carbon dioxide and other harmful gases, as well as fog. Due to the absence of harmful gases in the room, animals achieve their maximum performance.
Light aeration lamp It allows providing the most comfortable conditions for animals on cattle farms. The lamp improves ventilation in the room, while eliminating drafts and the formation of stagnant zones.
The main tasks of the light aeration lamp
- Creating a comfortable climate in the barn.
- Create natural light (170 lux and above).
- Providing protection against fungus.
- Ensuring a uniform supply of fresh air in the absence of drafts.
- Providing natural ventilation.
- Significant energy savings.
- Providing healthy air for staff and animals.
- Ensuring equipment stability to precipitation and temperature extremes.
- Ensuring fire safety design.
- Long-term operation of equipment.
The main functions of the light aeration lamp
Thanks to such a lantern, it is possible to provide an optimal microclimate on the farm at any time of the year and to qualitatively improve the illumination of the room, so that animals will eat better, which directly affects their productivity
Characteristic features of the equipment
Each lamp involves supporting trusses made of aluminum, which are subsequently welded together, making the design more durable, reliable and resistant to aggressive environmental influences and the formation of corrosion,
The coating of each lamp consists of sheets of cellular polycarbonate. This modern coating allows for high light transmission and strength, and the wind load it can withstand is 250 kg / m² (snow - 350 kg / m²).
The airflow adjustment in winter is provided by a system of adjustable valves, involving manual or automatic drive (winch).
Thanks to the sheathing of the side surface of the lamp with a professional sheet, the probability of a draft is excluded. The color of the profiled sheet can be different, depending on the wishes of the customer.
Additionally, the flashlight can be connected to an automated microclimate system in a complex with fans and curtains.
Based on the specific width of the opening in the ridge of the roof, the light-aeration lamp can be made in different ways, while maintaining the only high quality and reliability of the design for all options.