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Milk filling machine AO-111

Designed for bottling non-carbonated liquids: milk, kefir produced by the reservoir method; juices, etc. - in a plastic film.
- Type of machine: single-line.
- Type of dispenser: liquid.
- Dosage method: volumetric.
Pneumatic equipment used:
- CAMOZZI (Italy)
- FESTO (Germany)
Technical operations performed by the machine:
- Bactericidal film treatment.
- Formation of film bags.
- Drawing date on the film (up to eight characters).
- Filling packages with product.
- Removal of air from the package (vacuum).
- Capping by sealing.
Packing material:
Polyethylene film 0.090x320, approved for use with food contact by the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation.
Specifications: | Параметры |
Price | 595 000,00 |
Тип автомата | однолинейный |
Тип дозатора | жидкостный |
Способ дозировки | объемный |
Используемая пневмоаппаратура | CAMOZZI(Италия) |
Technical operations performed by the machine: | Бактерициднаяобработка пленки |
Нанесение на пленку даты | до восьмизнаков |
Укупоривание | запечатыванием |
Productivity, pack./min. | до 25 |
Dose volume, l | 0,25; 0,5;1,0 |
Погрешность заполнения пакетов продуктом, %, не более | 2-4 |
Package dimensions (without product), length, width, mm | 110…255х150 |
Film width mm | 320 |
Machine drive | pneumatic |
Расход воздуха, м3/ч | 50 |
Working pressure at the inlet to the pneumatic system, MPa (atm.) | 0,6 ╠ 0,06(6 ╠ 0,6) |
Расход охлаждающей воды, м3/ч | 0,2 |
Power consumption kW | До 1,0 |
Voltage | 220 V, 50 Hz |
Overall dimensions, length, width, height, mm | 1590х950х2660 |